Friday, May 11, 2007

Buddhi Rakshas

D came up with this. D is an eloquent, sincere and slow-talking colleague. He is also in the habit of elaborating more than what is necessary. For example, if you were to ask him whether he has a watch, he will never simply say "Yes." Not only will he tell you the time, but also what brand the watch is, it's features, how much he bought it for, when, where, et cetera. If he's in the mood, he might also venture into a discourse on the nature of time. Or, perhaps, the history of clocks - from sundials of the past to today's digital and atomic clocks.

We got our annual increment letters recently. As expected, it was one of the common topics of discussion, cribbing and gossip for a few days. So, D says "Our increments are decided by the CFO yaar. I don't know on what basis they do it, but they are like these buddhi rakshas people." Needless to say, we were highly amused to hear this term. Apparently, it is used to refer to a person with a gigantic intellect in Malayalee. We, however, had a good laugh and gave it a different twist altogether. We now use it to refer to anyone who has limited buddhi and behaves like a destructive or trouble causing rakshas. In other words, a satyanasi buddhu.

In a typically Dilbertian fashion, we cubiclewallahs immediately went about attributing buddhi rakshas qualities to the various cabinwallahs. Long live Dilbert!

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